Current Members

Geiger group members in their new “This is my laser shirt”s!

Nicole Gonzalez

I am Nicole Gonzalez, a postdoctoral researcher in the Geiger lab. I grew up in Puerto Rico and completed my Ph.D. at Penn State University in 2024, where I investigated interfacial water dynamics using SFG spectroscopy. My current research focuses on using SHG spectroscopy to study how light and electric field gradients drive surface wettability at solid/liquid interfaces. I’m passionate about promoting science among younger students, minorities, and underrepresented groups. In the future, I hope to provide mentorship opportunities and develop affordable experimental setups for research and teaching. Outside of work, I enjoy playing with my bird, Peachy, going to the gym, and exploring new places in Chicago.

Emily Marquez
Hi! I’m Emily Marquez, a first year joint member of the Geiger/Hunter groups. My research focuses on the energy reactions for water splitting for renewable energy. I am especially interested in how the aqueous:substrate interface plays a role in the hydrogen evolution reaction and oxygen evolution reaction. Outside of research, I enjoy cooking, working out, and hanging out with my dog!


Lauren Martin
I’m Lauren (she/her), a first-year student in the Geiger group! My research is inorganic/materials science-based, focusing on thin film electrocatalyst synthesis, characterization, and their internal energy transduction phenomena. I also study natural electrocatalysts like polymetallic nodules and their participation in the OER. Outside of the lab, I enjoy hiking, climbing, traveling, baking, and hanging out with friends :).


Amani Alghamdi
I am Amani Alghamdi (she/her/hers), a third-year in the Geiger lab. I am interested in geochemical interfaces and mostly study specific ion effects, surfactants, and other chemicals using SHG and SFG to understand wettability and transport at oxide:aqueous interfaces. I love traveling & exploring, playing Capoeira, and going to concerts around Chicago.


Justin Bye
I am Justin Bye (He/Him), and joined the Geiger Group in 2023. My work in the Geiger lab has primarily involved working with SHG spectroscopy on aqueous interfaces with Nickel and Hematite (iron oxide) electrodes. This approach is combined with electrochemistry to examine the oxygen evolution reaction of water electrolysis. My hobbies include role playing games, board games, video games, and more.


Ezra Marker
I am Ezra Marker (he/they), a member of the Geiger group! I use vibrational sum frequency generation to study aqueous:metal oxide interfaces. I’m particularly interested in the aqueous:hematite interface to further our understanding of the oxygen evolution reaction.When I’m not in lab, I like reading science fiction, going outside, and hanging out with my cat, Izzie!


Camille Bridgewater
Hello! I’m Camille, a first year in the Geiger group. In my research, I study the mechanism of the oxygen evolution reaction at aqueous interfaces, a critical process in renewable energy technologies. My work particularly focuses on understanding how the electrode-electrolyte interactions drive OER activity at the molecular level. When I’m not in the lab, I enjoy playing video games, drawing, and watching movies.



Alyssa Olson
I’m Alyssa Olson (she/her), a third year in the Geiger group. My research focuses around mineral oxide : water interfaces, currently with silica and inorganic aqueous solutions. I’m particularly interested in seeing what kinds of information we can learn about the electrical double layer using nonlinear optics as it applies to interfaces of environmental concern. Outside of school, I enjoy the outdoors, spending time with my friends, partner, and cat, and taking care of my plants and fish.

Raiden Speelman
I am Raiden (He/Him), a member of the Geiger Group. My work revolves around studying the interfacial mechanism of the oxygen evolution reaction. This is done using a variety of different nonlinear optical techniques and electrode:electrolyte interfaces. Outside of the lab my interests are playing board games, video games, and photography.


Sarah Opoku
I am Sarah Opoku (she/her), an undergraduate student in the Geiger Group. My current work is centered around measuring the surface tension of different chiral ratios of molecules found in the atmosphere to better understand their interactions. Outside of the classes, I enjoy taking naps, painting, and playing video games.



Franz Geiger
I am Franz Geiger, founder of the Geiger group which started at NU in 2001. I grew up a short distance from the Berlin Wall (on the Western side) and began college at the TU Berlin as part of the first joint class of former East and West German students. I like molecular environmental chemistry of all sorts, as that’s a big tent that brings together many different ideas to solve fundamental and practical problems in sustainability, energy, and the environment. I also enjoy gardening, cooking, entertaining, and my research group is the best.