
The Geiger group consists mostly of PhD students. REU students and summer interns join us on occasion. Following the motto that “everybody in the Geiger group is a quarterback”, each group member is given a project to lead. Yet, group members are expected to contribute to projects led by others in order to further the scientific enterprise and to demonstrate scope. The typical time to degree is around five years plus minus and the average number of publications per student produced under this current scenario is between 8 and 9. Geiger group members are employed as faculty in universities, scientists in the chemical industry, and at foundations and in consulting groups.

We investigate the environmental interfaces of our world. We develop and implement cutting-edge laser spectroscopy to advance scientific knowledge. We embrace teamwork and mentorship, and we strive to link multiple disciplines in science and engineering through collaboration. We use our observations to form impactful conclusions serving the scientific community and general public, while ultimately building our skillsets to match those that are needed in the ever changing job market.

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